Saturday, June 24, 2006

Oh god (only I'm an atheist)

Oh god (only I'm an atheist), I have no clue as to where this blog is going.

It's 70 days to September 2nd, before you start wondering. Which is when I wake up at down, drag my suitcases to the coach station, take the National Express and sit in Luton for a couple of hours (if I can get to the airport on time despite the extensive road works). Then I climb the wobbly metal staircase and board the white'n'orange Easyjet trap to Torino, all the time debating whether to be cool and rational or dwell in the drama of it all.
A year in Oxford, now writing the dissertation for my master's degree, and then I move back home; only I'm not going back to my parents' house, I'm moving in with my boyfriend. Only he's not the same guy I dated for 8 years before coming here last fall, but enough about that already.

I liked this link. It's a nice break from the usual under-the-belt internet humour, got me back to listening to power metal, and reminds me there are talented and dedicated people out there - and I want to be one of them.


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