Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Lemon cheesecake

My official favourite place: lemon cheesecake, the nicest waiter ever, and only across the road from the Headington Shark.
There was no way Manu could leave Oxford without taking me there (thank you!).


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are you taking these pictures yourself?


12:24 AM  
Blogger Michelle said...

No, I get them from internet, Miss Copyright.
They'd be blurry if I took them, as I'd be rushing into Cafè Noir to get my sugar fix.

Anyway, I'm over junk food. I have returned to my fridge-zen mode and won't be having cheesecake again unless I come back to Oxford someday. Sad, but true.

10:11 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey, why don't you submit a review on the Daily Oxford webpage? You have a large knowledge of the site, indeed...;)

11:50 AM  

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