Friday, June 30, 2006

What kind of cookie am I?

Oh my, the junk that's out there for bloggers: post-padding for times like today, when I'm thinking too much to actually write.
I did a test to find out what kind of cookie I am. I was hoping to get "Tough cookie", but the answer I got is actually creepily on-the-spot.
If you take the test, let me know what results you get.

You Are a Black and White Cookie

Black and white cookie

You're often conflicted in life, and you feel pulled in two opposite directions.
When you're good, you're sweet as sugar. And when you're bad, you're wicked!

Kind of fun, anyway, and you can find more at Blogthings, if you wish.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It happens I'm a black and white cookie as well ... God I hoped to be a chocolate chips cookie ... :) ...
love, emmanuele

10:46 AM  

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