Thursday, July 06, 2006


I have a job interview tomorrow and I'm dreading it. I'd be interested if I were to stay here, which I'm not, so why am I even wasting the whole afternoon going there and coming back?
Because I've got to, that's why. It's the thing you're supposed to do while you're here - only I don't want to. I want to write my dissertation and then get some rest, because from September there will be no excuses: I'll be all grown up and have a master's, and will have to work whether I like it or not.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

what? i didn't know this. where is your interview? please stay and completely upheave (a word?) the previous life you'd planned!


6:53 PM  
Blogger Michelle said...

The interview is at Harcourt and in production; I am feeling a bit less negative about it at the moment, but there is no way I'd stay in Oxford past September 2nd - I'd have to rename my blog, are you kidding? Plus, I didn't know you had your mind set on England...

7:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i have my heart set on someone--anyone--making my major decisions for me. and also i have my heart set on someone writing my dissertation for me. as no one seems to be solving life's big problems, i'll continue to waffle daily back and forth about where i want to live come october.

good luck on your interview, genius (said with absolute sincerity, by the way).


12:07 AM  

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