Wednesday, July 26, 2006


Oh you've got to be kidding.

A St. Petersburg museum has on display a 30cm penis which they claim to have belonged to Rasputin. While it has not been proven that the penis is authentic, legend spoke of Rasputin's physical oddity prior to the artifact having surfaced in the 1990's. The current owners claim that the item changed hands more than once before it was put on public display. Critics deny that the object is a penis, let alone that it belonged to Rasputin.

(From the
Wikipedia article, of course.)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

it "changed hands" huh. a "public display" huh. more like a "pubic display"! HA! come on, you know i slayed you with that one!


11:35 PM  
Blogger Michelle said...

I'd say you're nuts, if only it didn't sound horribly disturbing after this post;)

9:31 PM  

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