Food hates me back
You'll probably enjoy it, and yes, I'll get over it.
Personality is born out of pain. It is the fire shut up in the flint (J.B.Yeats)
Jesus Action Figure
Everyone has a different take on Jesus. Muslims saw him as a prophet; Buddhists say he was enlightened; Hindus consider him an avatar (the incarnation of a deity in human form) while Christians hail him as the Son of God. But, wherever your theological compass points, you will agree that this is the coolest action figure since G.I. Joe. Each hard plastic Jesus Action Figure stands 5" tall with poseable arms to reach toward the heavens and wheels in his base for smooth gliding action. Comes in our illustrated package with biblical quotes on the back.
For many years it was the custom for students to place a bicycle high in branches of the tree in the centre of New Court. Usually invisible except in winter, when the leaves had fallen, such bicycles tended to remain for several years before being removed by the authorities. The students then inserted another bicycle. Similarly, the sceptre held by the statue of Henry VIII mounted above the medieval Great Gate was replaced with a chair leg as a prank many years ago. It has remained there to this day: when in the 1980s students exchanged the chair leg for a bicycle pump, the College replaced the chair leg.
(From the Trinity college, Cambridge wiki)
A St. Petersburg museum has on display a 30cm penis which they claim to have belonged to Rasputin. While it has not been proven that the penis is authentic, legend spoke of Rasputin's physical oddity prior to the artifact having surfaced in the 1990's. The current owners claim that the item changed hands more than once before it was put on public display. Critics deny that the object is a penis, let alone that it belonged to Rasputin.
(From the Wikipedia article, of course.)
We did not change as we grew older; we just became more clearly ourselves.
Lynn Hall, Where Have All the Tigers Gone?, 1989
It's not that some people have willpower and some don't. It's that some people are ready to change and others are not.
James Gordon, M.D.
We all have big changes in our lives that are more or less a second chance.
Harrison Ford, quoted by Garry Jenkins in Harrison Ford: Imperfect Hero
They always say time changes things, but you actually have to change them yourself.
Andy Warhol, The Philosophy of Andy Warhol
The more things change, the more they remain... insane.
Michael Fry and T. Lewis, 2004
A few years ago some members of the Iranian Parliament set up an investigative committee to examine the content of national television. The committee issued a lengthy report in which it condemned the showing of Billy Budd, because, it claimed, the story promoted homosexuality. Ironically, the Iranian television programmers had mainly chosen that film because of its lack of female characters.
Ceci n'est pas un chador...
Another turning point, a fork stuck in the road
Time grabs you by the wrist, directs you where to go.
So make the best of this test, and don't ask why.
It's not a question, but a lesson learned in time.
It's something unpredictable, but in the end its right.
I hope you had the time of your life.
So take the photographs, and still frames in your mind.
Hang it on a shelf of good health and good time.
Tattoos of memories and Dad's kin on trial.
For what it's worth, it was worth all the while
It's something unpredictable, but in the end its right
I hope you had the time of your life.
It's something unpredictable, but in the end its right
I hope you had the time of your life.
It's something unpredictable, but in the end its right
I hope you had the time of your life.
It's something unpredictable, but in the end its right
I hope you had the time of your life.
If your some crazy creep hoping to hook up, with some stupid woman with children so you can get your sick rocks off. Well, step off cause no one will be meeting my children anytime soon. I will do back ground checks, check all of your stories out, and also check out your family before anyone gets near my babies! My children are #1 in my life and will stay that way till they are grown and on their own. My youngest has athsma.
I have been Divorced for 5 years now and I am looking for a Loving and Exciting Woman, that is no more than 10 pounds over prime weight for her height and build.
(Now why would someone divorce such a tactful man? Go ahead and make it five pounds over prime weight, we got standards to uphold)
I just want to find some nice, caring, sincere man who loves me for me (or in spite of me) -- in other words, a man who is perfect for ME. I'm finally at the point in my life where I don't need a man, but I really want one. And I hope to find a man at the same point. Only he wants a woman, not a man....okay, okay, you get it.
I have a background in chald care and cunlary arts.
Because of Watterson's strong anti-merchandising sentiments and his reluctance to return to the spotlight, almost no legitimate Calvin and Hobbes licensed merchandise exists outside of the book collections. Some officially approved items were created for marketing purposes and are now sought by collectors. Two notable exceptions to the licensing embargo were the publication of two 16-month wall calendars and the textbook Teaching with Calvin and Hobbes.
However, the strip's immense popularity has led to the appearance of various "bootleg" items, including T-shirts, keychains, bumper stickers, and window decals, sometimes including obscene language or references contradicting or parodying the whimsical spirit of Watterson's work.
The 3,160th and final strip ran on Sunday, December 31, 1995. It depicted Calvin and Hobbes outside in freshly-fallen snow, reveling in the wonder and excitement of the winter scene. "It's a magical world, Hobbes ol' buddy!" The last panel shows Calvin and Hobbes zooming off on their sled as Calvin exclaims. "Let's go exploring!"
This is all from the Wikipedia entry.
La bandiera italiana è una variante della bandiera della rivoluzione francese, nella quale fu sostituito l'azzurro con il verde che, secondo il simbolismo massonico, significava la natura ed i diritti naturali (uguaglianza e libertà).
Non si sa precisamente quando fosse stata utilizzata per la prima volta; Napoleone la adottò il 15 maggio 1796 per le Legioni lombarde e italiane. Nell'ottobre dello stesso anno il tricolore assunse il titolo di bandiera rivoluzionaria italiana ed il suo verde, proclamato colore nazionale, divenne per i patrioti simbolo di speranza per un migliore avvenire: con questo valore fu adottato dalla Repubblica Cispadana il 7 gennaio 1797, qualche mese dopo da Bergamo e Brescia e poi dalla Repubblica Cisalpina.
In quell'epoca le sue bande erano disposte talvolta verticalmente all'asta con quella verde in primo luogo, talvolta orizzontalmente con la verde in alto; a cominciare dal 1° maggio 1798 soltanto verticalmente, con asta tricolorata a spirale, terminante con punta bianca. Nella metà del 1802 la forma diviene quadrata, con tre quadrati degli stessi colori racchiusi l'uno nell'altro; questo cambiamento fu voluto dal Melzi (vice presidente della Repubblica Italiana) per cancellare ogni vincolo rivoluzionario legato alla bandiera.
Abolito alla caduta del Regno Italico, il tricolore fu ripreso, nella sua variante rettangolare, dai patrioti dei moti del 1821 e del 1831. Mazzini la scelse come bandiera per la sua Giovine Italia, e fu subito adottata anche dalle truppe garibaldine.
Durante i moti del '48/'49, sventola in tutti gli Stati italiani nei quali sorsero governi costituzionali: Regno di Napoli, Sicilia, Stato Pontificio, Granducato di Toscana, Ducato di Parma, Ducato di Modena, Milano, Venezia e Piemonte. In quest'ultimo caso alla bandiera fu aggiunto nel centro lo stemma sabaudo (uno scudo con croce bianca su sfondo rosso, orlato di azzurro).
La variante sabauda divenne bandiera del Regno d'Italia fino al referendum istituzionale del 2 giugno 1946, quando l'Italia divenne Repubblica e lo scudo dei Savoia fu tolto.
This movie is a fine example of a difference I have found between Hollywood projects and the films of Asia. 'The Lake House' is clearly from the Asian school of filmmaking. I have found that the audience is expected to accept more with less explanation in Asia than American audiences are. A lot less is explained, which makes way for more emotion, and a less linear flow, hence no explanation for the mailbox. I loved it.